Establish your ePortfolio Assignment

*2 Points-Appearance *3 Points-About Me Page *3 Points-First Blog Post *1 Point – Post link


Your ePortfolio will provide a place for you to showcase your evolving work and to interact with your peers as they showcase theirs. The digital space will most certainly provide you with other opportunities for learning as we will together and in real time explore how to use the internet to our advantage. We will explore new mediums and make new connections. This site is so much bigger than ENG 110! You will most likely use this site for other classes. The sky is the limit and I am interested and excited to learn alongside you.

Your ENG 110 blog posts will provide you with the hands-on opportunity to explore multimodal composition. Here, you can integrate image, sound, video, and links into your written text. I encourage you to take risks and experiment—even if not explicitly asked. You are working toward a basic understanding of how you can use media and design to influence your written text, and this understanding will inform your final multimodal essay and reflective ePortfolio.

Before we can really get to work, it is important for you to familiarize yourself with the space. Make it your own. If you are not familiar with WordPress, don’t worry. It’s not too complicated, but the best way to learn is to roll up your sleeves and get started. We will spend class time on this so that we can help one another. Please reach out and use your resources. We all come to the table with different skill sets, so if you don’t understand something, please ask.

Some Guidelines

  1. Log on to ePortfolio site using UNEPortfolios email sent to your UNE email address. You may need to check your junk folder.
  2. Change WordPress Password using the dropdown menu under “howdy, (your name),” select “edit my profile” and scroll to the bottom for the page. Click the “generate password” button and choose a password. Include at least 8 characters, one or more numbers and capital letters, and a special character.
  3. Select a workable theme for your webpage. Please consider the following recommended choices: Lifestyle, Hemingway, Twenty Eleven, or University. Add a customized header image, and begin to “move into” your blog by making it your own.
  1. Write your “About Me” Page— Your first static page could be an “About Me” page. If you don’t choose to host it here, please put it in your menu. As you write your “About Me” page, consider that you might want to refer a future professor or employer to this site. Strive for at least 200 words. You may include your major, your interests, your philosophy on learning. Where do you call home? Why did you choose UNE?
  2. Test Post first blog assignment. You will post your first blog assignment titled: BLOG 0. 1-2 Paragraphs (100-200 words) of reflection. What are your first impressions of the ePortfolio’s potential? Be honest. Do you think the interface has its downsides? Do you think the ePortfolio makes things possible that pen and paper do not? Perhaps you could reflect on past experiences you’ve had involving digital technology in the classroom. Perhaps you could list some ideas that you hope to try out in the future.
  3. Post a link to your first Blog: BLOG 0 as a comment on the class blog (SEE BELOW). You’re now officially moved in! Great work!


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