Syllabus Eng 110-C

We Meet On:
Mondays and Wednesdays: 8AM to 9:20AM
Fridays: 8:30AM to 9:20AM

Course Description

This course introduces students to writing as a conscious and developmental activity. Students learn to read, think, and write in response to a variety of texts, to integrate their ideas with those of others, and to treat writing as recursive process. Through this work with texts, students are exposed to a range of reading and writing techniques they can employ in other courses. Students work individually and collaboratively, participate in peer review, and learn to take more responsibility for their writing development. Placement into this course is determined by multiple measures, including high school achievement and SAT scores. 4.000 Credit hours.

Successful completion of English 110 fulfills the writing requirements in CAS Core Curriculum or the CHP Common Curriculum.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision).
  2. Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources.
  3. Employ techniques of active reading, critical reading, and informal reading response for inquiry, learning, and thinking.
  4. Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process.
  5. Document their work using appropriate conventions (MLA).
  6. Control sentence-level error (grammar, punctuation, spelling).


A Note on Workload:

According to the US DOE, a college credit requires student work that “reasonably approximates not less than one hour of class and two hours of out-of-class student work per week.” As a 4-credit course, ENG 110 will require four in-class hours and not less than 8 out-of-class hours of student work. 9—in the case of a hybrid course.


Course Materials:

• Barrios, Barclay. Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016. (ISBN: 978-1-4576-9796-8)
• Bullock, Richard, Brody, Michal, and Weinberg, Francine. The Little Seagull Handbook. 2nd ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2014. (ISBN: 978-0-393-93580-6)
• They Say I Say ADD MORE HERE

(Both of these books should be available in the campus bookstore.)

Important Dates To Keep in Mind:

Readings: “What Is It about 20-Somethings” by Robin Marantz Henig
“Adults, we need to have the talk” by Thomas King (TEDx Talk)

Paper 1 Due (“First Draft”): September 15th
Paper 1 Due (Final Draft): September 29th

Readings: “Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era” by Richard Restak and “In Defense of Distraction” by Sam Anderson

Paper 2 Due (“First Draft”): October 10th
Paper 2 Due (Final Draft): October 27th

Readings: “My Crowd Experiment: The Mob Project” by Bill Wasik
Paper 3 Due (“First Draft”): November 10th
Paper 3 Due (Final Draft): November 20st

Exit Prompt and Portfolio Due: December 8th

Grading and Policies:

Grade Breakdown:

Formal Writing: 55%
Paper 1: 15%
Paper 2: 20%
Paper 3: 20%
Peer Review: 15%
Informal Homework/Attendance: 15%
Portfolios: 15%


Attendance is mandatory. More than two absences will begin to negatively affect your grade. Students who miss more than the equivalent of two weeks of class (six absences) should not expect to pass the course.

Late arrivals, Late work, etc.:

Late Arrivals: Please don’t be late—to class or with your homework.

Late Homework: Class discussion and exercise often build on homework assignments. I will grade Reading Questions and other informal homework on a point system. Each assignment is worth three points. I will deduct one point from an assignment for every day the assignment is late. (Because we live in a digital world, I mean day, not class day.)

That said, I get that sometimes life happens, and I’m willing to discard the two lowest homework grades. (Note: Homework grades, not Formal Paper grades.)

Late Papers: I will sadly deduct one half letter grade for every day a formal paper is late. So, please, don’t be late.

Cell Phones: Let’s agree to leave our cell phones alone while we are in class together.


College of Arts and Sciences Grading Schema:

A = 93-100%
A- = 90-92.9%
B+ = 87-89.9%
B = 83-86.9%
B- = 80-82.9%
C+ = 77-79.9%
C = 73-76.9%
C- = 70-72.9%
D = 60-69.9%
F = <60%
I = Nearly all work completed, regular attendance
W = Withdrawal during first two-thirds of the term
WP = Withdrawal while passing during final third of the term
WF = Withdrawal while failing during final third of the term

Midterm Academic Progress Reports, SASC, and Accessibility



Midterm Academic Progress Reports

The University of New England is committed to the academic success of its students.  At the midterm of each semester, instructors will report the performance of each student as SATISFACTORY (S) or UNSATISFACTORY (U).  Instructors will announce when these midterm academic progress reports will be available for viewing via U-online.  This early alert system gives all students important information about progress in their courses. Students who receive an UNSATISFACTORY midterm report should take immediate action by speaking with their instructor to discuss suggestions for improvement such as utilizing the services of academic advising, the Student Academic Success Center, Counseling Services, and Residential Education.


Student Academic Success Center

The Student Academic Success Center offers a range of free services to support your academic achievement, including tutoring, writing support, test-prep and studying strategies, learning style consultations, and many online resources. To make an appointment for tutoring, writing support, or a learning specialist consultation, go to or visit the SASC. To access our online resources, including links, guides, and video tutorials, visit

Students with Disabilities

The University of New England will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Any student eligible for and needing academic adjustments or accommodations because of a disability is requested to speak with the professor at the beginning of the semester. Registration with the Student Access Center, located in Stella Maris 131 (ext. 2815) on the Biddeford Campus and the Lower Level of Ginn Hall (ext. 4418) on the Portland Campus, is required before accommodation requests can be granted.


All disability-related inquires can be directed to on the Biddeford campus or on the Portland campus.